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Intuitive Guidance Sessions
& Light Body Activation Session

30 min
Intuitive Reading
30 minute Intuitive Reading for those who want something short & sweet. Receive a supportive message from your own Higher-Self and Angelic Team.
Energy Exchange of $44
Intuitive Guidance Session
My 1 hour Intuitive Guidance Session gives individuals guidance in regards to their Awakening Journey & Souls Mission.
Guidance comes from the individual's own Higher-Self as well as Spiritual Team.
The session can help one to gain a sense of clarity regarding Soul Mission & Spiritual Gifts. Numerology & Astrology is added
to the session.
Energy Exchange of $88

Light Body Activation Session
Individuals will receive a unique Light Body Activation Painting that is created for their own unique Soul Signature & Energetic DNA Blueprint. The painting is coded with Crystals that are suited for the individuals energetic signature. Along with the painting, the individual will receive a handwritten message from their Higher-Self & Spiritual Team.
Energy Exchange of $144 book a session, please email me at...
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