...to earn your wings, one must let go of their "ego"...

The"Ego"... stands for...
Edging God Out...
The Ego Programmed Mind... aka... "Ego" ... stands for edging God out... please see the...
"Ego Workbook" tabs for more information...

You are not your "mind",
The "Ego Programmed Mind" is your false self, some call it the old slave self.
The "Ego" promotes turmoil because it wants to substantiate your separateness from everyone, including God. It will push you in the direction of judgment and comparison, and cause you to insist on being right and best. You know your highest self by listening to the voice that only wants you to be at peace.
- Wayne Dyer -
Replace the word, "Mindfulness" with "Heartfulness"... as our Heart & Brain connection is the true connection to Higher-Source Energy

Ego Workbook

Superego: Narcissism & Gaslighting
Here is a more in depth look at the Superego: Narcissism & Gaslighting...